Linguistic Deficit

The rehabilitation task suite for specific disorders of language is composed of:

  • 4 Perceptive training tasks;
  • 11 Lexical training tasks.

It is possible to watch the video on this page or on our YouTube channel.


Perceptive Training

LR2 - Riconoscimento coppie di parole senza significato

LR2 – Recognition of pair of words without meaning

LR4 - Completamento Frasi con significato

LR4 – Completion of sentences with meaning


Lexical Training

LR5 - Disposizione di oggetti

LR5 – Arrangement of objects

LR8 - Metti sul lavandino le cose che servono a lavare mani e denti

LR8 – Metti sul lavandino le cose che servono a lavare mani e dentiLR8 – Lege auf das Waschbecken die Sachen, die du zum Waschen und Zähneputzen benötigst


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