Mental Challenges

The rehabilitation task suite for mentally challenged is composed of:

  • 10 eye-hand coordination tasks;
  • 10 matching tasks;
  • 10 sorting tasks;

It is possible to watch the video on this page or on our YouTube channel.



Eye-hand coordination

RM3 - Inserisci gli elementi nel foro

RM3 – Put the beads onto the string

RM8 - Infila gli anelli nell'abaco

RM8 – Insert the rings in the abacus

Task Matching

RM15 - Posiziona gli elementi al posto giusto

RM15 – Place the items in the right place

RM19 - Posiziona gli elementi nel modo giusto

RM19 – Place the items in the right way

Task Sorting

RM25 - Posiziona le carte in modo corretto

RM25 – Place the cards in the right way

RM26 - Metti gli oggetti dentro i cestoni

RM26 – Put the items inside the baskets

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